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"I am so thankful to have found Regina.  She has helped me in many ways, both personally and professionally.  She uses so many different techniques to get to the bottom of what is really going on and to help propel you forward into what you really want.  I give her the highest of recommendations!"  

- Sheri H., Filmmaker and Restaurant owner, Los Angeles  



"Through Regina's talents I have absolutely and effortlessly expanded the joy and peace in myself, my career, and my relationship with the world."

- Dheereesha Moore, Santa Fe, New Mexico



"I came to Regina with a broken spirit, heart and mind.  With her graceful but to the point help,  I was able to pull myself out of despair.  Regina helped me delve into,  and reframe my past,  the past that had led me to the current crisis in my life.  I will be forever grateful to Regina,  she will always be an earth angel to me! " 

 - Mom and Actress, Los Angeles



"I think and feel that Regina is the real deal because she practices what she preaches. This is rare. She is a truly a compassionate and caring person. She connects with your thoughts and feelings and communicates them with you leaving you safe and understood. You however need to be open to her care to appreciate her work. She is made of light, love and life. I am happy to know her."
 - Attorney,  Los Angeles


"Regina has been a wonderful coach for me!  She has helped me work through difficult situations with ease and grace. She has an enthusiasm for life that is contagious.  Her passion for uplifting her clients is one of her many gifts.  I have gained clarity and peace while working with her."

Thank you Regina for all your support!                                                                                                             -  Amy A., Missouri



"It was the first time that I had sessions in my life. I had always felt hesitant even though friends recommended them and where sure it would be good for me too.
I finally did it and it was an amazing experience. Mostly because I did not know about all that which waited inside of me that needed to be talked about.

Regina knew in a very short time how to get to all these issues which were since  childhood in me and difficult to overcome throughout my whole life. I feel so released and calm every time I walk away from the sessions. The most impressive thing is that I learned things about myself I had no clue about before and they needed to surface.

Regina is amazing. I dearly recommend her especially to people who like me who believe that there is not much that needs attention. Surprise! there was and is still a lot which needs to be addressed in her sessions! Thanks Regina for your generous time and support!"
- Marketing Executive,  Los Angeles


"Regina Barang's approach to counseling is very unique. She not only possesses the classical psychotherapy knowledge that allow healing of childhood issues, she also is a psychic intuitive.

Regina has helped me to find a path from the knowledge of my brain to the experience of my heart."

- E.S.  St. Paul, Minnesota



"Regina has a sense of intuitive knowledge that amazes me.  I've been drawn to her coaching style not only because of her advanced skills, but also because of her deep caring and compassion for all human beings. 

She is exceptionally gifted - each time I have worked with her - I have experienced an important internal shift.  She is patient, kind, and highly organized.  Her rates are extremely affordable for everyone - not just the wealthy.  I wholeheartedly recommend her for her deep integrity and powerful abilities." 

- R.G., Pasadena, California



"Durch Reginas Unterstützung habe ich erstmalig in meinem Leben nachhaltige Lösungen bekommen um in meinem Leben selber die Regie zu führen. Da ich im Alltag durch den harten Wettkampf der Finanzbranche bis dahin immer wieder das Empfinden hatte auf Umstände reagieren zu müssen.
So weiß ich nun dass ich selber mein Leben und das Empfinden steuern kann, dass gibt mir mein Urvertrauen und setzt  Energie frei. Danke !"

- Owner, Financial Consulting Services, Vienna, Austria


"Heute frage ich mich wie ich mir solange zusehen konnte ohne etwas zu unternehmen, wie ich meine Partnerin und meine Kinder jahrzehnete lang meine Probleme anschauen liess und wie sehr diese wohl unter meinen Maengeln litten. Ich frage mich auch wie ich immer wieder die Kraft aufbrachte nach meinem Fehlverhalten das Vertrauen der betreffenden Personen wieder von neuem aufzubauen nur um es alsbald nochmals in seinen Grundfesten zu erschuettern. 
Das frage ich mich umsomehr nachdem nach nur einigen wenigen Einheiten auf Regina's Couch diese Probleme fuer immer behoben werden konnten und auch nicht mehr wieder auftreten. Ich bin nun in der Lage eine neue Art von Beziehung aufzubauen die meiner Person entsprechend intensiv, lustig und gewinnend ist.

Ich - der ich nun gestaerkt vor Allen stehen kann danke Dir aus tiefstem Herzen fuer diese therapeutische Arbeit. "   

- Director, Researcher and Founder -  International Biotechnology Company based in Vienna, Austria

















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