Personal and Professional
I was born in beautiful Vienna, Austria, the birthplace of psychoanalysis. Psychology and Spirituality have always been my greatest interests. In high school, psychology, philosophy, and nutrition were my favorite subjects. I was always on a quest for deeper understanding and began a daily meditation routine when I was fifteen, still in school. I have been a student of Paramahansa Yogananda since 1976 and have been practicing Kriya Yoga and meditation daily for 48 years. My desire to help and to learn about healing has always been very present.
My education to become a therapist began at Vienna University. As a dedicated young yogini, I experienced the traditional psychology curriculum - as it was taught in Dr. Freud's town - as rather ‘mind heavy’, very academic, methodical and lacking the most essential of all components: a 'heart and soul-centered' view, a more compassionate healing approach. The traditional work model scripted mandatory distancing between therapist and client. The thought of introducing an expanded perspective on the human potential, or the concept of conscious evolution, was met by elders and teachers with grave concern for my state of mental health.
I thought there must be a way to practice a model of psychology that would be built upon viewing the awakening aspect of the human spirit as the basic paradigm, in other words, returning the true meaning of the word 'psyche' - namely, the etymological term for 'soul' or 'spirit' back into the craft.
Many years later, in Los Angeles, I found the institution I had dreamed of—the school that has pioneered the worldwide experiential study and practice of transformation in consciousness: the University of Santa Monica. I graduated with a master's degree from their well-known program in Spiritual Psychology and later opted for an additional marvelous third year of education called “Health Consciousness and Healing.”
Life Coaching School added a very practical and grounded component. Holistic and alternative modalities taught me to support a client's process on a more subtle, energetic level. My twenty-year experience as a certified nutritionist specializing in supplementation lets me assist clients' well-being also from a biochemistry perspective via natural supplementation and conducive food choices.
After almost 20 years in private practice, I am eternally grateful for all I have been taught by my clients and teachers about life and the endless variations of the human experience. I see it as a great privilege to walk and grow with YOU, my clients, and to share part of your unique and sacred journey.
My private life revolves around family and frequent trips to Austria, where I work as well. I have been married for thirty-nine years. Our two grown sons live with their families in Santa Monica, CA and Vienna, Austria.
I love nature, high mountains, forests, alpine hiking and alpine skiing, all ethnic traditions, music and dancing, and going into silence on retreats.
I look forward to hearing how you live and what it is that you love